eHouse Smart Home Integration to OpenRemote

Installation OpenRemote.Org on the local PC to integrate with smart home eHouse

Smart Home eHouse Building Management ( eHouse4OpenRemote software ) .
Integrate OpenRemote.Org ( OR) with eHouse building automation system.
OpenRemote.Org is an open project (open source), integrating different control systems, remote control, automation , HiFi , TV , SAT and building automation.
It is also possible to integrate OpenRemote.Org system to eHouse intelligent building system.
It is necessary for this purpose placement of the server PC, and software that will control eHouse4OpenRemote , visualize and update the status of devices OpenRemote panels on various platforms:

  • Android PADs , Smartphones
  • iPhone , iPad , iPod
  • Web browser

Although OpenRemote.Org runs on the following platforms:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
  • Synology NAS
  • Raspberry Pi
  • PCEngines ALIX

We will describe the installation on Windows, because all eHouse home automation system applications for configuration eHouse are written for Windows .
Despite this, the list of supported hardware for the OR is very wide. We do not recommend installing it on a single- mini computers , because their performance may prevent correct operation .
Please note that the EthernetRoomManager controllers have a lot of resources checked by OR:

  • * 24 to 35 digital outputs
  • 12 digital inputs
  • 3 dimmers
  • to 16 measurement inputs
  • 10 other signals

This means that if you use or check the status of unused inputs , OpenRemote software ask almost 80 times only one ERM hardware resources .

Many times more resources has CommManager from the viewpoint of query OpenRemote:

  • up to 80 digital outputs
  • to 48 alarm inputs ( Active )
  • to 48 alarm inputs (Alarm )
  • to 48 alarm inputs ( Warning )
  • to 48 alarm inputs (Monitoring)
  • to 16 measurement inputs
  • about 10 other signals

With the Ethernet eHouse Smart Home comfort version, eg. 10 EthernetRoomManager (ERM ) + 1 CommManager , there are a lot of signals ( resources of controllers) to check by OpenRemote (about 1100) so a single polling the number of signals will cause a significant load on the CPU.
In the event of poor equipment performance may not be sufficient to have efficient work OR .
We recommend to install OR on PCs with at least 2 processor cores and 2GB of memory.

To install OpenRemote.Org need the following components (note the version of the component – not always the newest version will work ) :

  • Java JDK 1.6
  • Apache Tomcat 6 or 7
  • Apache Ant 1.7
  • Google GWT 2.4.0
  • MySQL Server ( and program administration , eg . MySQL WorkBench , or PHPMyAdmin )
  • tool to get the sources from SVN repositories , eg for Windows – TortoiseSVN

1 . Installing Java components

  • Java JDK . The standard windows installer needs to be run with administrator rights
  • Tomcat 6 or 7 – instructions . Just unpack the contents of the directory: ” C:\Tomcat”
  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable , pointing to the directory where you installed Java , eg. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_36

2 . Installing MySQL , with MyIsam engine and InnoDB .

  • create a schema ” beehive ”
  • Create a user with full access rights to the schema ” beehive ”
  • application ehouse4OpenRemote to set the same username and password as you created

Installing Beehive ( service responsible for managing users and configuration)
Download the source ( )
Installing Eclipse ( If you intend to modify the design source OpenRemote )

  • Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (Windows) from (
  • GWT Plugin – installation documentation
  • OR download the source from svn Controller
  • add Tomcat / controller / runtime in Windows Eclipse -> Show View -> Web Servers – eclipse
  • create a new project by selecting the ” Existing Ant buildfile ”
  • in the properties of the project – improve the parameter ” Target Runtime ”